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A Q&A with our debut Poetry Author Lorraine Buxton


Introducing Lorraine Buxton, Author of 'Tapestry of Life' a poetry collection of hope & resilience. A true 'tapestry of life' exploring mental health, wellness and loss with the uplifting gifts of life such as nature, friendship and love.

What is your guilty pleasure?

LB: Musicals and ice cream.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given? By whom?

LB: It wasn’t advice as such, it was more of a statement, that made me re evaluate my thinking

and how I was living my life. I was asked by my friend Jennifer if I would like to do a colour therapy course in Northumberland at a spiritual retreat, as one of her friends was holding a weekend of classes there. I said I’d think about it, but another friend Liz scoffed and said “She says she will but she won’t go!” I was disappointed in myself that someone knew me so well, and knew that I wasn’t up for trying anything new. I decided because of that comment that I would try something new and go. That decision changed the way I think about things even now and brought new interests and friends into my life. I will always be grateful to Liz for pushing me out of my comfort zone and for Jennifer for taking me and supporting me through all of the changes that have come about as a result of that change.

What's one thing most people don’t know about you?

LB: That I write poetry. ( They do now) 😄

That I have suffered from depression for many years.

What do you enjoy doing at the weekend?

LB: For the past few years my weekends have been spent at our caravan. It’s wonderful to wake up to that view, whatever the weather.

What did you want to be when you were a child?

LB: I wanted to be a Nanny or look after children in some way.

What’s your favourite band?

LB: There are so many I have an eclectic range in music, so anything from Queen, The Script, Nickleback, Evanescence and Daughtry.

What fictional place would you like to visit?

LB: Camelot.

What’s your favourite tv show or series you would watch on repeat?

LB: Light entertainment Strictly Come Dancing. Drama Silent witness

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

LB: Alligator.

What irrational fear do you have?

LB: Heights

Which season is your favourite?

LB: All of the seasons are wonderful in their own way but because I don’t like it too hot, or too cold, I would say Autumn. It has sun, wind, rain, and all the beautiful colours are amazing.

If you could change your name, what would it be?

LB: When I was a Nanny, the little boy I looked after couldn’t say Lorraine so he called me Rainbow. The name stuck with his and my family, so for a long time I was Rainbow - I like that.

What book film character would you like to be?

LB: Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s) I love Audrey Hepburn

What do you do to turn things around when you are having a bad day?

LB: I sit and take deep breaths in and out. I try to think how I’m feeling and why, and what can I change. If it’s really bad or I can’t change anything to make it better I light a candle and write down all the things I am grateful for. I think of my grandchildren, I can’t be unhappy while I’m thinking of them

What’s your favourite animated film?

LB: Inside Out


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